
Simple Thanksgiving Traditions

Start some family traditions that are easy to integrate for all ages!

By Cassandra Bulava, Macaroni Kid Pensacola Publisher November 6, 2018

With the holidays approaching, you're probably seeing and/or hearing of others' family traditions. Whether you already have a couple of traditions and are looking for some to add, or need some ideas to get started with traditions this year, here are five local ideas for you right here in Pensacola!

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Let's get to it:

1. Run a Turkey Trot: We are very fortunate to have our very own Turkey Trot right here in Pensacola that could easily become an annual tradition! This year, the Turkey Trot will be held on Thursday, November 22 at 8 am in the Historic Seville Square! Spend your morning enjoying our local community and supporting the Manna Food Pantry by bringing 3 canned goods and you'll receive your Turkey Trot t-shirt for FREE! Click here for more information.

2. R.A.O.K.: What better way to celebrate and give thanks than to be able to pass a little cheer on into somebody else's day? Have each member of your family choose a Random Act of Kindness to spread! This doesn't need to be complex or expensive, for example you could volunteer at a local homeless shelter, make cards for military overseas for the holiday, or bake a favorite treat and leave it for a neighbor that doesn't have nearby family! Watch the smiles and cheer spread from simple activities you were (maybe) going to do anyways!

3. Watch a Parade: The Macy's Day Parade has been a tradition passed down from generation to generation. This year, add an appearance to your own local parade with the kids! Enjoy the Elf Parade, a phenomenal parade right here in Downtown Pensacola Friday, November 23rd, the day after Thanksgiving! Although this parade is more to kick off the winter holiday season, it's a wonderful tradition to add to your calendar each year! Click here to see the details!

4. Thankful Breakfast: In our family, we take turns being responsible for the family's breakfast! This isn't meant to be elaborate or fancy in any way; in fact the goal is to pass off this task so you can focus on the dinner! It's always interesting to see what your kids come up with! Yes, we have had corn dogs and french fries for breakfast because that's what my 3 year old nephew chose! It's okay if it's not a typical breakfast, sometimes giving control over to the kids boosts their confidence while taking one more responsibility off of your plate and that's a-okay with us!

5. Gobble Your Neighbor: I've made this super easy for you to start by making you a free printable! Click here to see the post and information! This is similar to "booing your neighbor" which is very fun for the younger kids! Plus, it's super top secret, and who doesn't love trying to solve a suspicious mystery!?

I hope you've found at least one fun new tradition to add this year! Feel free to share below any traditions you have that others may find fun! I'm always open to expanding our list!

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