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Dinner Tonight: Tacos in a Bag

By Kate Sparrow, Publisher, Macaroni Kid Pensacola September 27, 2019

We are deep into the fall sports routine and spending more and more time at the fields these days! My family is already sick of bringing turkey sandwiches for dinner, but we were saved this week by one of my favorite moms! Her suggestion? Tacos in a bag, or walking tacos, depending on where you are from. 

The recipe? Crunch up a bag of Doritos or Fritos (I used the individual bags of red Doritos), pile in taco meat, cheese, tomato, lettuce, & sour cream and eat with a fork right out of the chip bag! 

It was so easy and super fun to eat. I made them ahead of time, reclosed the chip bag with a clip and brought them in a cooler. They were even yummy cold, and my son thought eating a bag of chips for dinner was the greatest thing ever.